GPT Idle (alpha 0.7)

Amalgam Construct: 1000000 HP

Construct Essence: 0

Shield: 0

Siphon Essence...

Soul Rip

Click Damage: 1

Unleash searing plasma energy to burn through the foul flesh of the Amalgam. Every agonizing beam brings you closer to unraveling its horrific existence.
This insidious weapon accelerates the cycle of decay, causing molecular breakdown in the Amalgam's mutated form. Fire it to hasten the abomination's return to primordial chaos.
Cutting-edge chrono-tech integrated into your arsenal system. Manipulate time itself to fortify your weaponry against the Amalgam's relentless onslaught.
Congratulations you won!
Off/On Nightmode
Off/On Sound

Cybernetic Upgrade

Tier 1:

Release clouds of ravenous nanobots to consume the Amalgam from the Inside out. These unstoppable micro-machines will disassemble it on an atomic level.
Advanced nanotech augmentations for your robotic allies. Increase their ability to swarm and overwhelm any Amalgam bioform.
Harness the power of time dilation to amplify your arsenal's destructive potential against the Amalgam abomination. This chrono-tech matrix slows the flow of time, allowing your weapons to pummel the mutated horror with a relentless, overwhelming barrage.
The Amalgam's biophase shielding is powerful but not impervious. This focused emission destabilizes its defensive matrix, allowing your weapons to pierce its unholy protection.
When the Amalgam siphons the essence of its victims, unleash this quantum cascade to disrupt the vile energy transfer, severing its vampiric link.